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Senior Couple

Post Treatment Care Instructions

Your post care instructions have already been sent to you via email! However, if you need them again here they are. To achieve the best results, we recommend that our patients follow post care instructions diligently.  If you have any questions/concerns post treatment or need to book your next appointment please call 778-438-2652.


Skin Resurfacing

1540 Non-Ablative Laser Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Application of cool gel packs and appropriate topical creams immediately following treatment can help alleviate post treatment itchiness and stinging that may occur. 

  • Edema, and sometimes blanching, is expected immediately post-treatment and generally resolves within 24-48 hours. It may last up to 3-5 days for some clients.

  • Those being treated may experience significant redness, broken capillaries and bronzing in the treatment area for approximately 1-3 days after treatment. This may persist in a mild form for several weeks particularly in areas other than the face. 

  • Following a more aggressive treatment, it may be helpful to use some occlusive ointment on the skin after treatment during the healing process to help minimize trans-epidermal water loss which may result in significant desquamation or crusting. 

  • To help remove debris and bronzing of skin that can appear 1 to 4 days after treatment, soak treated areas for 5-15 minutes with gauze or wash cloth wet with water, then gently remove debris. Do not pick at or scrub the treat areas. 

  • Gentle cleansing and use of non-irritating cosmetics are permitted after treatment. It is suggested that retinoids be discontinued 1-2 weeks prior to the initial treatment and throughout the course of treatment. The use of retinoids during the treatment course may result in undesirable side effects and prolonged healing. 

  • Those prone to acne outbreaks should avoid heavy make-up or moisturizers for 24 hours post treatment. 

  • As healing occurs, clients should avoid injury and sun exposure for at least two weeks following treatment. It is highly recommended that clients use sunscreen with SPF 45 or higher containing UVA/UVB protection between treatments, along with a sun blocker such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

  • Those being treated should continue to use SPF 45 or higher up to 6 months following final treatment whenever they are outside. 

  • Once the treatment area has healed, some itching or dryness may occur. This will gradually clear. The use of non-irritating moisturizers may provide some relief. 

  • Please contact the treatment provider if there are any issues or concerns following the treatment. 

  • NOTE: After treating striae (stretch marks) with the 1540 Laser Handpiece, it is recommended to avoid tight-fitting clothes around the treated areas for three (3) months after the last laser treatment.

Hair Removal

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • A mild sunburn-like sensation expected. This usually lasts 2-24 hours but can persist up to 72 hours. Mild swelling and/or redness may accompany this but it usually resolves in 2-3 days. 

  • Apply cooling to the treatment area for 10-15 minutes every hour for the next four hours, as needed. Never apply ice directly to skin. An oral, over- the-counter anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen such as Advil) or an analgesic (acetaminophen such as Tylenol) may be taken to reduce discomfort. Use medicine according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 

  • Until redness has resolved, it is recommended to AVOID THE FOLLOWING:
    - Applying cosmetics to treated areas.
    - Swimming, especially in pools with chemicals.
    - Hot tubs and Jacuzzis.
    - Activities that cause excessive perspiration.
    - Sun exposure to treated areas. Apply an SPF 45 or greater sunscreen to prevent skin colour changes. 
    - Aggressive scrubbing and the use of exfoliants on the treated area. 
    - No exercising for 24-48 hours post-treatment. 

  • Bathe or shower as usual. Treated areas may be temperature-sensitive. 

  • Appearance of hair growth or stubble will continue for 7-30 days post-treatment. This is not new hair growth, but treated hairs being expelled from the skin. 

  • Hairs that were in the resting phase (telogen) at the time of treatment may enter the active growing phase (anagen) in 1-6 months, depending on the body area. Follow-up treatment may be needed. 

  • If any darkened lesions occur, do not pick, remove, or pull at any darkened lesions as scarring may occur. 

Photo Facial Rejuvenation

IPL Pigmented & Vascular Lesion Post-Treatment Instructions

  • The mechanism of pulsed-light pigmented lesion removal is based upon selective destruction of melanocytes and melanosome-containing epidermal keratinocytes. Their destruction is associated with some crusting and epidermal damage, which typically resolves within a 1-4 week period.

  • A mild sunburn-like sensation expected. This usually lasts 2-24 hours but can persist up to 72 hours. Mild swelling and/or redness may accompany this, but usually resolves in 2-3 days. 

  • Apply cooling to the treatment area for 10-15 minutes every hour for the next four hours, as needed. Never apply ice directly to skin. An oral, over- the-counter anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen such as Advil) or an analgesic (acetaminophen such as Tylenol) may be taken to reduce discomfort. Use medicine according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 

  • The treated vessels may undergo immediate graying or blanching, or they may exhibit a slight purple or red colour change. The vessels will fully or partially fade in about 10—14 days.

  • Until redness has resolved, it is recommended to AVOID THE FOLLOWING:
    - Applying cosmetics to treated areas.
    - Swimming, especially in pools with chemicals.
    - Hot tubs and Jacuzzis.
    - Activities that cause excessive perspiration.
    - Sun exposure to treated areas. Apply an SPF 45 or greater sunscreen to prevent skin colour changes. 
    - Aggressive scrubbing and the use of exfoliants on the treated area. 
    - No exercising for 24-48 hours post-treatment. 

  • You may bathe or shower as usual. Treated areas may be temperature-sensitive. 

  • The lesion may initially look raised and/or darker with a reddened perimeter.

  • The lesion will gradually turn darker over the next 24-28 hours. It may turn dark brown or even black. 

  • The lesion will progress to darkening and/or crusting and will start flaking off n an average of 7-21 days. 

  • The lesion is usually healed in 21-30 days. It will continue to fade over the next 6-8 weeks. 

  • Do not pick, remove, or pull at any darkened lesions as scarring may occur. 

  • Repeat treatments may be performed every 7-14 days if skin has fully recovered. 1-4 treatments may be necessary 7-14 days apart. 


Post-Treatment Instructions

  • The mechanism of pulsed-light pigmented lesion removal is based upon selective destruction of melanocytes and melanosome-containing epidermal keratinocytes. Their destruction is associated with some crusting and epidermal damage, which typically resolves within a 1-4 week period.

  • A mild sunburn-like sensation expected. This usually lasts 2-24 hours but can persist up to 72 hours. Mild swelling and/or redness may accompany this, but usually resolves in a couple of days. 

  • Apply cooling to the treatment area for 10-15 minutes every hour for the next four hours, as needed. Never apply ice directly to skin. An oral, over- the-counter anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen such as Advil) or an analgesic (acetaminophen such as Tylenol) may be taken to reduce discomfort. Use medicine according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 

  • Until redness has resolved, it is recommended to AVOID THE FOLLOWING:
    - Applying cosmetics to treated areas.
    - Swimming, especially in pools with chemicals.
    - Hot tubs and Jacuzzis.
    - Activities that cause excessive perspiration.
    - Sun exposure to treated areas. Apply an SPF 45 or greater sunscreen to prevent skin colour changes. 
    - Aggressive scrubbing and the use of exfoliants on the treated area. 
    - No exercising for 24-48 hours post-treatment. 

  • You may bathe or shower as usual. Treated areas may be temperature-sensitive. 

  • Lesions may initially look raised and/or darker with a reddened perimeter.

  • The lesion will gradually turn darker over the next 24-28 hours. It may turn dark brown or even black. 

  • The lesion will progress to darkening and/or crusting and will start flaking off in an average of 7-21 days. 

  • The lesion is usually healed in 21-30 days. It will continue to fade over the next 6-8 weeks. 

  • Do not pick, remove, or pull at any darkened lesions as scarring may occur.

  • Application of cool gel packs and appropriate topical creams immediately following treatment can help alleviate post treatment itchiness and stinging that may occur. 

  • Edema, and sometimes blanching, is expected immediately post-treatment and generally resolves within 24-48 hours. It may last up to 3-5 days in some clients.

  • Those being treated may experience significant redness, broken capillaries and bronzing in the treatment area for approximately 1-3 days after treatment. This may persist in a mild form for several weeks particularly in areas other than the face. 

  • The vessels may undergo immediate graying or blanching, or they may exhibit a slight purple or red colour change. The vessels will fully or partially fade in about 10—14 days.

  • Following a more aggressive treatment, it may be helpful to use some occlusive ointment on the skin after treatment during the healing process to help minimize trans-epidermal water loss which may result in significant desquamation or crusting. 

  • To help remove debris and bronzing of skin that can appear 1 to 4 days after treatment, soak treated areas for 5-15 minutes with gauze or wash cloth wet with water, then gently remove debris. Do not pick at or scrub the treat areas. 

  • Gentle cleansing and use of non-irritating cosmetics are permitted after treatment. It is suggested that retinoids be discontinued 1-2 weeks prior to the initial treatment and throughout the course of treatment. The use of retinoids during the treatment course may result in undesirable side effects and prolonged healing. 

  • Those prone to acne outbreaks should avoid heavy make-up or moisturizers for 24 hours post treatment. 

  • As healing occurs, clients should avoid injury and sun exposure for at least two weeks following treatment. It is highly recommended that clients use sunscreen with SPF 45 or higher containing UVA/UVB protection between treatments, along with a sun blocker such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

  • Those being treated should continue to use SPF 45 or higher up to 6 months following final treatment whenever they are outside. 

  • Once the treatment area has healed, some itching or dryness may occur. This will gradually clear. The use of non-irritating moisturizers may provide some relief. 

IV Therapy

IV Therapy

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Congratulations on completing your IV drip treatment. The effects are almost immediate for most patients, so you should start feeling the results right away! After the treatment is complete, we advise the following:

  • Leave the bandage on for at least 15 minutes. After this time, most people will have stopped the small bleeding that happens after removing the needle; however, if you are still experiencing some light bleeding, replace the cotton pad with a new one and hold in place by applying gentle pressure.

  • Keep the area clean and dry for at least 1 hour post treatment

  • Avoid intense activity or any stress to the puncture site for 24 hours after the treatment Please note that even though our IV drip treatments are clinically tested, stability tested and its ingredients are premium and safe, everyone is unique so you could experience the effects of the treatment differently. Unfortunately, we are not able to foresee if your body particularly will have a different reaction. This should not be a cause of concern unless you experience an adverse reaction, which can occur if any of the ingredients on the IV formula interact unexpectedly with any residues in your body, or if there are existing or potential medical conditions that we are unaware of. 

  • Seek immediate medical assistance if:
    - The bleeding from the puncture area hasn’t stopped after 30 minutes
    - A large bruise develops on the puncture site
    - You develop swelling at the puncture area that won’t dissipate after 24 hours
    - You develop any numbness around the puncture site or on the entire arm
    - You develop shortness of breath, a rash, or an itching sensation -this could be a sign of an allergic reaction
    - If you develop a fever



Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Massage the treatment area for 5 minutes 5 times a day for 5 days.

  • Avoid any other treatments (especially laser or RF treatments) to the area for 2 weeks. 

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

  • Avoid make-up for 4-6 hours to prevent infection.

  • Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.

  • Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excess swelling.

  • If you have swelling you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour.

  • Use Tylenol for discomfort if approved by the provider

  • Try to sleep face-up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.

  • Take Arnica to help with bruising and swelling, start at least 2 days prior to injections.

  • Redness and/or bruising are possible after the injection.

  • In case of any excessive swelling/redness or bruising or should you have any other concerns please contact the clinic as soon as possible.


Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Do NOT manipulate the treated area for 3 hours following treatment.

  • Do NOT receive facial/ laser treatments or microdermabrasion after botox injections for at least 10 days. Consult your provider if you are not sure about the time frame of certain services.

  • Do NOT lie down for 4 hours after your botox treatment. This will prevent the botox from tracking into the orbit of your eye and causing drooping eyelid.

  • It can take approximately 4 to 7 days for results to be seen. If the desired result is not seen after 2 weeks of your treatment, you may need additional botox. You are charged for the amount of product used. Therefore, you will be charged for the product used during any touch-up or subsequent appointments.

  • Do NOT perform activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 6 hours after treatment. This will concentrate the botox in the injected area and not elsewhere.

DErmal Fillers

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • ● Avoid significant movement or massaging of the treated area for (unless otherwise instructed by the provider).
    ● Do NOT perform activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment. 
    ● Avoid make-up for 24 hours to prevent infection.
    ● Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.
    ● Avoid air travel for at least 72 hours.
    ● Avoid dental work for at least 2 weeks.
    ● Discontinue use of retinol products for 2-3 days.
    ● Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excess swelling.
    ● If you have swelling you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour.
    ● Use Tylenol for discomfort if approved by the provider
    ● Try to sleep face-up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.
    ● Do NOT receive facial/ laser treatments or microdermabrasion after injections for
    at least 10 days. Consult your provider if you are not sure about the time frame of
    certain services.
    ● Redness, swelling and bruising are possible after receiving this treatment.  In case of any excessive swelling/redness or bruising or should you have any other concerns please contact the clinic as soon as possible

Body Slim Mesotherapy

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Do Not take NSAID’s drugs (aspirin, Advil, Motrin…) for 7 days after treatment

  • Do Not drink alcohol for 72 hours after treatment

  • Do Not take blood thinning agents such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Ginko, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids at least one week after your treatment.

  • Avoid exercise or strenuous activities for 24 hours

  • Avoid hot yoga or sauna for 3 days

  • Avoid sun exposure for 3 days (apply sunscreen)

  • Do Not wash the treatment area or shower for 24 hours

  • Do apply provided products to area as instructed

  • It is important to gently massage the treatment area for 5 minutes 5 times a day for the next 5 days. 

  • Do Not undergo other treatments to the treated area for the next 2 weeks 

  • Contact the clinic immediately should you have any concerns


PRP Elite & Mesotherapy

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Possible Side-effects: Redness, Swelling, Itching, Bruising, General discomfort, Risk of infection, Skin discoloration

  • Do Not take NSAID’s drugs (aspirin, Advil, Motrin…) for 7 days after treatment

  • Do Not drink alcohol for 72 hours after treatment

  • Do Not take blood thinning agents such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Ginko, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids at least one week after your treatment.

  • Avoid exercise or strenuous activities for 24 hours

  • Avoid hot yoga or saunas for 3 days

  • Avoid sun exposure for 3 days (apply sunscreen)

  • Do Not wash the treatment area or shower for 24 hours

  • Do apply provided products to area as instructed

  • Do Not undergo other treatments to the treated area for the next 2 weeks

  • Please contact the clinic immediately should you have any concerns

eDermastamp Microneedling

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Avoid touching your treated skin unnecessarily. Always use hands that have been washed or gloves before touching treated skin. 

  • In the first 72 hours avoid exposure to sunlight. Also, refrain from exercise, saunas, hot tubs, and sun beds. 

  • During the first 48 hours post treatment it is recommended that you only use the Hyaluronic Acid ampules and syringe dispenser that was given to you. Also avoid makeup.

  • After 48 hrs a non-comedogenic physical sunblock of at least SPF 40 should be applied daily. After 48 hours please use the additional post treatment products supplied to you. These non-irritating products are designed to enrich the skin with nutrients and hydration to promote more effective healing. You may also use make up. 

  • For 5 days post procedure please follow post care guidelines and only use the take home product given to you. After 5 days you may resume your normal skin care routine. 

  • Your skin will feel sensitive, and tight post procedure. Redness, itching and/or minor swelling are normal symptoms and rarely persist longer than 24hrs. 

  • Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call us 778-438-2652.

Home-Care Regime

*Use clean hands or gloves and conservative amounts of products at a time.

Procedure Day
Product Needed
Day 1 & 2
Use leftover syringe contents as needed. After it’s gone you can use the Hyaluronic Acid ampules
Always be gentle and use clean hands or gloves to apply!
Hyaluronic Acid syringe Hyaluronic Acid Ampules x2
Day 3
Cleanse skin then apply the AM cream. Wait for absorption before applying sunscreen.
Cleanse skin then apply the PM cream.
Sunscreen Cleanser AM/PM Creams
Day 4
Cleanse skin then apply the AM cream. Wait for absorption before applying sunscreen.
Cleanse skin then apply the PM cream.
Sunscreen Cleanser AM/PM Creams
Day 5
Cleanse skin then apply the AM cream. Wait for absorption before applying sunscreen.
Cleanse skin then apply the PM cream.
Sunscreen Cleanser AM/PM Creams

Sylfirm X

Post-Treatment Instructions

Possible Side-effects:

Redness, Swelling, Itching, Bruising, General discomfort, Risk of infection, Skin discoloration, Papules or pustules.

If any of these side effects last longer than 48 hours or you have any concerns please contact our clinic immediately.


Post Treatment:


  • Do Not take NSAID’s drugs (aspirin, Advil, Motrin…) for 7 days after treatment unless okayed by Dr Sithembu.

  • Do Not take blood thinning agents such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Ginko, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids at least one week after your treatment

  • If you were given a prescription from Dr Sithembu, use it as instructed.

  • Do apply provided products to area as instructed.

  • Do Not undergo other treatments to the treated area for the next 2 weeks

  • For moderate to severe redness/swelling, apply a wrapped icepack for 10 mins every hour.

  • If needed, apply a regenerative or moisturizing cream frequently (2-3 times a day).

  • Avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen frequently (2-3 times a day).

    • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen ( at least SPF 40 ).

  • Do not apply make-up for 24 hours after treatment.

  • Do not use peeling products or scrub products for 1-2 weeks.

  • Do not undergo any phototherapy for 1-2 weeks.

  • Avoid using alcohol-based cosmetics for 2-3 days.

  • Avoid washing your skin for 24 hours after treatment

  • Be careful not to rub too hard or irritate the treatment area.

  • Avoid vigorous activity that heats the skin for at least 1 week.

  • Exercise, swimming, hot baths, saunas may cause irritation or inflammation of the treatment area.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol or smoking for 1-2 weeks.

  • Contact the clinic immediately should you have any concerns


Oxygeneo Facial or Body Treatments

Post-Treatment Instructions

Immediately following treatment some of the following are normal anticipated reactions:

  • A feeling of tightness in the skin

  • Slight redness

  • Skin may be warm to the touch but should subside within a couple hours.

The following side effects are rare; however in the event that they do occur they are usually temporary. If any of the following appear and last more than 48 hours please contact us immediately:

  • Excessive redness or swelling

  • Extremely itchy or irritated skin

  • Scratches

  • Visible capillaries

  • Sensitivity to touch

  • Pigmentation

  • Any kind of allergic reaction

You may resume your normal skin care routine once any redness or irritation has subsided. It is recommended that high quality skin care products be used regularly to promote effective healing and that sunscreen be applied daily. You may also want to avoid any exfoliation and/or extreme temperature changes for at least 24hrs post procedure.

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